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At last!  The skin-tightening and rejuvenating properties of CoolSculpting have been approved to tighten neck skin.

We’re pleased to announce that this application of the most popular spot reduction therapy tool in existence is available for those who want to improve the appearance of their neck areas.  This part of the body has, until now, been very difficult to address effectively.

That’s great news!

Many people are bothered by the appearance of their necks and under their chins, especially as they age.  Skin can become lax and many have a stubborn deposit of fat under their chins they can’t seem to get rid of, no matter how much they exercise.

But now, there’s CoolSculpting to address both these persistent aesthetic issues.

The non-invasive answer

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive solution for the treatment of stubborn areas that don’t respond to diet or exercise.  Using cryolipolysis (freezing, causing cell death), CoolSculpting freezes fat cells, which kills them without affecting surrounding tissue.

Over time, fat is eliminated naturally and with the fat cells removed from your body, it has no place to re-establish itself.

The CoolMini

In 2015, the FDA approved the CoolMini attachment for use on the neck area.  This advent is in the manufacturer’s tradition of creating tools which specifically address your body’s shape.  The CoolMini has been created for use on the neck and the area under the chin and is designed precisely to work with the contours found there.

The CoolMini had to prove itself to win the FDA’s approval.  This was achieved with a clinical study to test the tool’s mettle.  Study participants saw significant improvement in skin elasticity and a more toned appearance in the chin area, following treatment.

But it’s not just skin elasticity which is improved by CoolSculpting.  The texture of the skin also becomes finer, providing a renewed, more youthful appearance.  This effect is seen in other CoolSculpting applications, addressing the abdomen, arms and thighs.

With the gradual elimination of the contents of fat cells, your skin adjusts, but it also takes on a fresher appearance.  This additional benefit of the CoolSculpting spot reduction technology has made it extremely desirable for treating “turkey neck” resulting from deterioration of skin elasticity under the chin.

CoolSculpting – the leader

Since entering the cosmetic therapy market, CoolSculpting has become the undisputed leader in the realm of non-invasive spot fat reduction technologies.  Ethos Spa, Skin & Laser Center is proud to offer this revolutionary therapeutic model to our guests in New Jersey.

Now, you can kill two birds with one stone, with the CoolMini.  Enjoy the benefits of CoolSculpting’s fat-elimination function, while tightening loose skin and enjoying a more youthful appearance.

Ethos Spa, Skin & Laser Center

Ethos Spa is a doctor-directed aesthetics spa with your total wellbeing in mind.

We know that traditionally, the under chin and neck areas have been difficult to treat.  We also know that many people are dissatisfied with this part of their bodies.

Book a consultation.  Let’s talk about CoolSculpting to improve the appearance of your neck.

People come in all kinds of skin tones and types.  And when we’re talking about Indian skin, is there really one size that fits all?

Hardly!  Indians come in a wide variety of skin tones, from quite pale to quite dark and everything in between.

But when we’re asking the best option for hair removal on Indian skin, we should also be factoring in the hair and eye color in relation to the skin, because this factor is important, too.  Of special importance is the contrast between the skin and the hair we’re trying to remove.

The melanin factor

Melanin is what makes our skin able to tan.  It’s also what gives us our skin tone.  People with very pale skin have little melanin.  That means they burn in the sun easily.  When their hair and eyes are also pale, this effect is amplified.

The more melanin you have, the deeper your skin tone and the higher your skin’s resistance to burning.  But melanin also affects the color of your hair.  It creates pigment and pigment is what the lasers used in laser hair removal target.

The evolution of lasers

Cosmetic laser therapies for hair removal came on the scene in 1998, when they were first approved for use for the purposes of hair removal by the FDA.

Early lasers were not available for use on darker skin tones.  Because of the melanin factor, they were only suitable for use on pale skin.  Because these lasers were not as sophisticated as the ones we now use, there was the danger of damaging darker skin.

But today, aesthetics professionals have access to lasers which are calibrated for hair removal on a wider variety of skin tones, which makes it available to those whose skin is deeper in color.

Enter the Nd:YAG laser

The Nd:YAG laser is the latest development in the world of laser hair removal.  Because the frequency of the wavelength employed by the laser is much higher, this technology is suitable for all skin types.  The laser bypasses the skin and goes straight for the follicle.  And it’s the removal of the follicle which makes laser hair removal effective.

By killing the follicle, the hair is eliminated.  The Nd:YAG laser is attracted to the more intense concentration of melanin in the follicle, beneath the skin, making it safe to use on all skin pigments and skin/hair pigment combinations.

Perfect for use on all tones of Indian skin, the Nd:YAG option is completely safe, eliminating the dangers of earlier lasers for those with more intense skin pigmentation.  The potential for hyperpigmentation (dark spots) and hypopigmentation (light spots) is eliminated, as is the potential for burning and scarring.

Ethos Spa, Skin & Laser Center

Laser hair removal should only be practiced by an experienced, licensed professional.  When you come to Ethos Spa, you’ll encounter the highest level of professionalism available in our doctor-directed spa ambience.

We’re medical professionals who practice leading edge aesthetics.

Contact us to schedule a consultation about laser hair removal.

Botox has been around for a long time and has been gaining in popularity, ever since.  People who never would have considered the treatment a decade ago now swear by it.

But Botox isn’t just for addressing existing lines and wrinkles.  It’s also highly effective for preventing their formation.  Preventative Botox can stop wrinkles in their tracks before they get a toehold.

Let’s talk about preventative Botox and how people are using it to stop wrinkles in their tracks.

It’s about face

Some believe that wrinkles form because of the passage of time.  But that’s only partially true.  Lines and wrinkles begin to form because of our facial expressions.  Environmental factors play a role in the quality and elasticity of your skin, but wrinkles form primarily due to the way we use our faces to communicate emotions to those around us.

Every day, we’re frowning, smiling, grimacing and making any number of expressions using our facial muscles.  That’s just life and you can’t walk through this life expressionless.  People will think there’s something profoundly wrong with you, if you walk around with no expression on your face.

There’s a better way and that way is preventative Botox.  Because Botox inhibits the movement of facial muscles in key regions, you can halt the advance of lines and wrinkles with strategically administered injections, using this therapy.

Who’s doing it?

Many people associate Botox with addressing signs of aging and people still turn for Botox to help with that.

Today, more and more frequently, younger people are receiving Botox therapy to prevent lines from forming.  But it’s a balancing act.

First, it’s important to consult with a variety of practitioners to find one with sufficient training and experience to strategically administer this injectable.  It’s also important to consider that starting too young may work against you.

At Ethos Spa, Skin & Laser Center, we advise that people start injections in their late 20s.  Starting earlier is an extreme response to aging which hasn’t even had a chance to begin yet.  Enjoy your youth.  You really don’t need to start at 18 for preventative Botox to be effective.

And it’s not just women who are using Botox to prevent lines and wrinkles.  Men are doing it, too.  To remain competitive in the job market, men know they need to look the part.  They need to present an image of vigor and competence.

And some men just want to maintain their youthful appearance for as long as possible, for the sake of looking their best.

Preventative Botox is a worthy alternative to invasive procedures.  By limiting the range of motion of facial muscles, it stops wrinkles in their tracks.

Ethos Spa, Skin & Laser Center

At Ethos, we’re a doctor-directed facility offering leading edge cosmetic therapies.  We believe everyone should feel incredible and look amazing.

We’re highly-trained professionals, working with the most advanced aesthetic treatments on the market.  Book a consultation to see if preventative Botox is right for you.

Visit our website to receive 15% off your first session!

Regardless of ethnicity or age, there are 4 different skin types which govern the way we should approach skin care.  No matter who you are, or where you’re from, you’ll have one of these 4 types of skin.

These are normal, dry, oily and combination.  Whether you’re pale, dark, or something in between, you’ll fall under one of these skin type categories.

And your skin type means you may be prone to conditions like acne, or sensitivities to certain products and environmental factors.  It’s important to know your skin type, so you can assemble a regime of nurturing care that addresses its unique properties.


Normal skin is much easier to manage than the other types discussed here.  Free of blemishes and other signs of imbalance, normal skin is something we’d all love to have.

But having normal skin doesn’t mean you don’t have to look after it.  You still need to be vigilant about maintaining a moisture barrier and protecting your normal skin from sun damage and other factors.


Dry skin is a challenge.  It can be flaky, or just feel tight and dry.  Because dry skin produces less sebum, it has less protection from environmental factors like ambient dirt and weather conditions, including intense sunlight.

People with dry skin should choose their cleanser carefully.  Anything which may further dry the skin should be avoided.  It’s also important to adjust your skin care regime for the seasons, to provide your skin with what it needs to look its best.

Care for your dry skin by avoiding the sun or wearing a 30 SPF sunscreen and take care in the shower – very hot water will only make your skin drier.  Use a moisturizer that nurtures your skin, every day.


When the sebaceous glands in the skin are over-enthusiastic in their production of sebum, your skin will be oily.

People with oily skin tend to have larger pores and the skin has a thick appearance.  They’re also more prone to acne, especially on the forehead, nose and chin.  But take heart if you have oily skin.  It also tends to look more plump and youthful.

Choose skin products with care which won’t clog your pores.  Hypoallergenic products are best for you.


Here’s the trickiest skin type of all – oily combined with dry.  People with this skin type usually have an oily t-zone (forehead, nose and chin), with the remainder of the skin being dry.

Caring for combination skin can be difficult, but there are great products on the market to accommodate this skin type.  Again, hypoallergenic products can help.  Select what you use on your skin type with care and be diligent about caring for your t-zone to avoid acne outbreaks.

Ethos Spa, Skin & Laser Center

At Ethos Spa, we care about the skin you’re in.  We’re a doctor-directed medical cosmetic facility which offers our guests the latest in leading edge aesthetic treatments.

If you’re looking for the best in supportive cosmetic therapies for your skin, contact us.

Stretch marks are an unfortunate part of life.  When we gain weight, lose weight, give birth, or have a growth spurt, stretch marks can and do happen.

Even the illustrious Kim Kardashian has battled stretch marks.  She recently shared her experience of stretch mark removal on Snapchat, to address scarring in the wake of bearing two children.

We feel confident in venturing that our readers aren’t planning to do the same.

Nevertheless, you’re here because you’re interested in finding out about different stretch mark removal treatments.  You want to know if they’re worth the outlay in time and money and more importantly, if they work.

Let’s take a walk through the land of stretch mark removal treatments and see what’s out there.

What causes stretch marks?

All sudden physical changes which cause your skin to be stretched can occasion stretch marks.  This is as true of weight gain and loss as it is of pregnancy and periods of rapid growth in adolescence.

While the skin is quite elastic when it’s stretched too thin, the connective tissue is compromised and a disruption in collagen production occurs.  This causes stretch marks to appear on the skin and stretch marks are a kind of scar tissue.

When collagen production is disrupted, the skin’s elasticity is compromised and scarring occurs.

How much do they bother you?

Kim Kardashian’s stretch marks were on her breasts.  As she’s a media personality, these had a profound psychological effect on her, compelling her to undergo a therapeutic solution to remove them.

But everyone’s different.  Some stretch marks are minor.  They can be camouflaged with products to even the skin tone, or even self-tanner.

But it’s a highly personal decision and not to be taken lightly.  While some aren’t at all bothered by stretch marks, others find them difficult to live with.


For new stretch marks which present a reddish or purplish pigment, microneedling is the most effective treatment.

Own its own, microneedling stimulates collagen production, by piercing the skin and provoking the healing process.  But when combined with PRP (platelet rich plasma), the effect is magnified.  PRP therapy is achieved by drawing blood, isolating the PRP in a centrifuge and injecting it directly into the stretch marks.

While this treatment is a process taking from one to three months, it involves little downtime.  If you’re patient and prepared to take the time required, it’s a viable therapy for newer stretch marks.

Sciton’s halo laser

Well-established stretch marks need a different approach.   Either the laser in the title or a fractionate laser is a good choice for older stretch marks.

The laser removes the top layer of the dermis, while heating lower layers with laser-generated heat to stimulate collagen production.  Again, this therapy is a process and may take three treatments or more to render the desired results.

These are our two top picks for different stretch mark removal treatments.  If you have stretch marks, whether reasonably new or well-established, we invite you to come for a consultation at Ethos Spa to discuss your options.
