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a woman pinching her body fat

Traditional Liposuction vs. Laser Liposuction

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Traditional Liposuction

Liposuction has been used for decades and was the most used procedure for fat removal for years. Even with the new technologies and new methods to remove fat with non-invasive procedures, liposuction has the trust of patients to achieve perfectly sculpted body with little down time and some risks and side effects. Traditional liposuction is invasive treatment. Traditional liposuction is done by removing fat by suction via a small metal tube that is called cannula. Small incisions are made on the areas where there is excess fat. Fluid is injected in those areas to loosen the fat, then cannula is inserted and the suction procedure is initiated. The cannula is moved from one incision to another until the desired amount of fat is removed. Surgeon monitors the amount of fat removed and tailors the cannula.

Patients are usually satisfied with results and it requires little down time to recover. Still, traditional liposuction is invasive treatment and some recovery time is needed. There are some side effects including scarring, blood cloths, and bruising.

Laser Liposuction

The laser liposuction is a new and improved method of performing liposuction. The difference from traditional liposuction is that laser is used to break up fat before it gets removed from the body. Therefore, there is no need for harsh suction. The laser liposuction will change the shape of your body but it is important to maintain results with healthy lifestyle and diet. This goes for both, traditional and laser liposuction. Even with laser liposuction, there are several risk factors such as infections, blood clots, and scarring. Moreover, there are two types of laser liposuction: internal and external. External laser liposuction is performed by using laser externally over the skin before the liposuction process begins. On the other hand, internal liposuction involves using laser inside, while it is being attached to the probe and inserted in the area treated, before suction beings or during the suction.

