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Freeze Away Your Unwanted Double Chin

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Double Chin, waddle, jowls or turkey neck…if you have extra fat under your chin you may have heard  some of these names for that dreaded double chin. Now you can freeze that fat away with Coolsculpting!

Coolsculpting is the non surgical treatment option for fat reduction and body contouring to treat diet and exercise resistant fat. The Cryolipolysis procedure used in Coolsculpting uses controlled cooling to eliminate fat cells by essentially freezing them to death. The treatment targets the fat cells under the skin while leaving everything else around the fat untouched. Patients see results within 12 weeks of the procedure. Treatments are very comfortable in an office like setting and require no downtime. We have patients come in on their lunch hour!

Until recently, the only option for treating the double chin was liposuction. Liposuction is invasive, requires downtime, bruising and follow up appointments. Now the FDA has approved a new mini handpiece called the CoolMini used for Coolsculpting in small areas such as under the chin. The CoolMini can reduce on average 20% of fat and requires no needles.

Are you ready to eliminate your double chin? Call us today for your options and to schedule your consultation.
