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Beware of CoolSculpting at home products on the market. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat freezing procedure that targets excess fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. The procedure was founded by two scientists at Harvard University who observed that some children who ate popsicles got dimples in their cheeks. The scientists—Dieter Manstein, MD and R. Rox Anderson, MD—realized that the popsicles were freezing and eliminating small pockets of fat cells. Thus, CoolSculpting was born.

Some companies have produced devices to use at home to try to imitate the CoolSculpting device. Most of these devices are coming from China and have not been properly studied. The procedure requires a uniform cooling temperature between 39 and 44 degrees. Many of the at home methods cannot sustain this temperature and there have been reports of killing adipose tissue which our bodies need to protect our organs. The best way to ensure fat loss by the CoolSculpting method is in an office by a licensed professional.

Before you start any type of treatment, ask these important questions. Ask the facility for reviews from other patients. Is the professional performing the service licensed? How many times have they performed the treatment? Are there any risks or danger during or after the treatment? Does the facility offer follow-up or after hours calls if something goes wrong?

As with any medical procedure, consult your physician before starting treatment. Call us and schedule your complimentary consultation in our New Jersey office to see if you are an ideal candidate for CoolSculpting.






Bellafill, Juvederm, Sculptra, Restylane, Perlane, Voluma, Belotero & Radiesse – you’ve probably heard of these dermal fillers, but which is best for each age and area? How much do fillers cost as you get older?

Most patients start to get fillers as they notice severe wrinkles and folds that typically become evident during middle age. However,  there are a number of issues which dermal fillers are very effective at addressing, that are not always related to aging, such as acne scarring, thin lips, a wide jawbone, or a crooked nose that can be treated at a younger age. We never recommend using dermal filler products in individuals under 18 years of age.

A patient in their 20’s will spend an average of $600 for dermal fillers to treat signs of aging. These may include fine lines which start to appear and thin lips. A patient in their 30’s will average $600- $1200 for dermal fillers. Why is the gap so big? If it is the patient’s first time receiving fillers the cost may be higher. If the patient has been proactive and started in their 20’s, the cost can be less.

As patients age, the cost of fillers also increases. A patient in their 40’s may spend $1200 – $2400 on dermal fillers per year while a patient in their 50’s will spend on average $2000 0 $3000. Each patient may age differently based on sun exposure, heredity, smoking, diet and exercise. Typically patients in middle age will be treated for deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds, sunken cheeks, undereye circles and masseter muscles.

Are you ready to find out which filler is best for you? Schedule your consultation in our office in Summit, New Jersey. Call our office today and we can help you on your journey to defy aging.

The average CoolSculpting price varies. The price depends on the number and size of areas to be treated; the total number of treatments needed; and the ultimate goals for each area treated. Most patients opt to receive treatments in multiple body areas in order to achieve the look they envision for their body. The average amount spent for a CoolSculpting treatment plan averages between $1500-$3000. *Based on current price 9/27/2016

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary non-invasive fat reducing procedure that freezes unwanted fat cells. The fat cells then die and are naturally eliminated from the body. The procedure is recommended for patients who cannot get rid of excess fat through diet and exercise. You know, the dreaded last five lbs that just won’t budge! CoolSculpting can be performed on the following areas of the body – the “turkey neck” or double chin, inner and outer thigh area and on the stomach to reduce the dreaded muffin top. This procedure is considered a “lunchtime” procedure as it is performed in office with no downtime. Patients typically see full results within 4-6 months.

Create a customized treatment plan, in person in our office that’s tailored to your body, your goals, and your budget. Give us a call today to schedule your complimentary consultation and we can help you back into your favorite pair of jeans.

Picture this – Spring Break, senior year and you travel to the Shore with a group of friends. All of you decide to get matching tattoos. Fast forward 10 years and you no longer remember what those symbols mean on your body but they are preventing you from getting that dream job. No matter how many colors or your skin type, the Picosure laser can now treat all tattoo colors and skin types!

Why Do Different Laser Wavelengths Matter?

Like every patient, every tattoo removal is different. Different wavelengths are needed to remove different colors of tattoo ink. Each pigment used absorbs different wavelengths. The Picosure handpiece has three wavelengths, 755, 532, and 1064 which are capable of treating all colors and skin types.  The 755 nm wavelength is a fine supplemental wavelength for treating green, blue, and black inks. The 532 nm wavelength is the most effective wavelength for red ink and other warm-toned colors, including violet, orange, yellow, and brown. The 1064 nm wavelength is ideal for removing black or dark tattoos, as this wavelength of light energy is very well absorbed by black ink. Since the most common ink color used by tattoo artists is black, the 1064 nm wavelength is the most commonly used laser wavelength for tattoo removal.

How Does Tattoo Removal Work?

Tattoo removal works by breaking up tattoo ink particles in the skin. The laser handpiece is pulsed over the tattoo, directing light energy toward the ink. The energy is absorbed by the tattoo ink particles, which instantly shatter into tiny fragments. If the ink doesn’t absorb the laser light, the ink doesn’t shatter… and the tattoo won’t be removed. Light energy can either be visible or invisible, depending on its wavelength. When light energy is visible (with a wavelength between 390 nm and 700 nm), we see it as colored light. The lasers different wavelengths can detect the color and remove the tattoo from the skin.

Schedule a complimentary consultation in our office in New Jersey and we can help you decide if your tattoo will be removed successfully with the Picosure laser.

“Aging is out of your control, how you handle it, though, is in your hands” ~Diane Von Furstenberg

We are taking this quote a little out of context, but did you know besides the face, a womans hands give away her age every single time? Dermal fillers are a great tool for hand rejuvenation!

Make-up can easily disguise signs of aging on the face, but the hands are harder to hide. Women typically use sunscreen and protect the face with hats in the sun. The hands are usually forgotten and start to show signs of aging with sunspots, wrinkles and thinning skin. Some celebrities, such as Madonna, wear finger less gloves to cover up but now we can treat the “Madonna Mitts” with fillers and laser resurfacing.

Typically Juvederm, Radiesse and other fillers are used in the face. Doctors are now using these fillers to plump up the hands to reduce signs of aging. The fillers volumise and smooth out the wrinkles in the hands and encourage the production of collagen to provide a youthful look. Radiesse is made out of calcium-based microspheres that add volume to the area of injection immediately and results can last up to a year. Laser resurfacing can also be used in conjunction with fillers. This procedure will help reduce the appearance of sun and liver spots.

Hyaluronic acid gel fillers, such as Juvederm, also work well for hand rejuvenation.  Hyaluronic acid filler acts like an inflated cushion to support body structures and tissues that may have lost volume or elasticity due to normal aging. It also brings water to the surface of skin to keep it looking fresh and supple.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with our Doctor where he will be able to determine which dermal filler is right for your hand rejuvenation needs. We look forward to meeting you in our New Jersey office.

Botox injections in your 20’s? Preventative Botox? If I wait to get botox when I’m older will my wrinkles require more maintenance? What is the best age to start botox injections? We have your answers below!

“I am in my late 20’s – is it too early to start botox injections?”

The short answer is “No!” Some women(and men) start to see light furrows especially in the forehead area by mid to late 20’s. Botox may be injected if the furrows are noticeable when the face is resting about once a year to keep them from progressing. If the furrows aren’t too deep, using a retinol in the skin care routine can be helpful to keep them at bay.

“What is preventative botox?”

Preventative botox injections are recommended for men and women in their 30’s who may be people who over exaggerate facial expressions without even knowing it. For example, frowners, smilers, squinters and eyebrow raisers. Using Botox in the areas of the face that are “wrinkled” more often can help keep the wrinkles from being etched into the skin. Usually we recommend seeing these types of patients every six months for best results.

“If I wait to get my first botox injection until I am older and the wrinkles are deeper will I need more maintenance?”

The answer for most patients who wait until after 40 to start getting botox injections is “Yes”. Usually the patient will also need laser resurfacing, fillers and botox injections in more areas of the face. If the patient had come in just 5 years sooner, preventative botox could have been started and the wrinkles would not have had a chance to become deeper.

Still not sure if you should start botox injections? Give us a call and we can schedule a complimentary consultation and start a treatment program just for you. We can’t wait to see you and uncover a younger you!

Dr. Oz CoolSculpting video live on TV!

CoolSculpting has become one of the fastest growing non-surgical fat loss procedures. It is different because it is a fat loss procedure, not a weight loss procedure. Many celebrities including Jennifer Aniston, Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian have all had the procedure. It is a lunchtime procedure that is relatively pain-free and has little to no downtime.

Watch the live Dr. Oz CoolSculpting demonstration to see how easy this non-surgical procedure is performed.

Are you ready to rid yourself of that stubborn fat without going under the knife? Call to schedule your complimentary consultation in our New Jersey office today.
